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Opening Doors Through
Creativity, Collaboration, and Communication

An enrichment program enables students to realize their potential in a variety of settings beyond the classroom and develop a sense of self-awareness in students . Our educational enrichment programs, designed to complement school curriculum, promote a deeper understanding of schoolwork. The purpose is to develop an appreciation for literacy, the fine arts, create 21st century learners and strengthen the body and mind.  

Capital Day School students in preschool through 8th grade participate in enrichment classes daily. Students attend classes in Health and Physical Education, Art, Technology, Library Media, Music and Spanish.

Meet Our Team

Melissa Bondurant

Health and Physical Education 

David Wilson
Spanish and Latin
Academic Team Coach

BA Classical Antiquities
Southwest Missouri State
MA Classical Languages
and Literature

Toby Penney
Visual Arts

Internationally exhibiting painter
Fellowship and Award winner
Founder of Roaming Studio
Julia Blackburn
Library Teacher and STEAM
Renaire Rivers
Jared Wallace
Technology and STEAM
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